If You Believe that Donald J. Trump is our True President…

…as I do, with all my heart…


JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES Published July 25, 2022

All Things Become New

Sometime near the Christmas of 2020, during a spontaneous, unexpected moment of worship, I was given a vision of President Trump. At that time, Joe Biden had already ‘won’ the election for President of the United States. However, in this vision, I saw President Trump’s face gradually appear from behind a fog or a cloud, and he was wearing a crown. I heard, ‘Donald Trump’s victory is accomplished!’ Later, upon recalling this image, it seemed to have evolved, in that President Trump’s face merged to some degree with that of a lion.


Within the past six months or so, I’ve had a vision of a different sort, also concerning President Trump.

(A bit of back story here…since the election of 2020, I‘ve spent a large chunk of my time searching out truth/information concerning that election, which led me – as many others – down the rabbit hole. I learned about things that I never knew existed, things I’d heard about but hadn’t believed, and really, only the grace & love of God has kept me sane.)

I had been involved in my usual intake of this ongoing search, watching videos or reading articles online, and paused to process the information. As I was absorbing & integrating, I ‘saw’ a kind of diagram. Up ‘til that moment, I had believed that the 2020 election had been stolen. That Trump & Team were hustling, working hard, persistently & passionately to uncover the evidence & right the grievous wrong.

Just like that, I understood that the President & his people knew along what was going to happen. They not only knew, they facilitated the whole debacle by NOT stopping it. And while I was still reeling from that revelation, another one almost steam-rolled me: President Trump ran for office in the first place in order to carry out this brilliant sting operation. To leave the opportunity for crime unhindered, so that the criminals would eventually be caught in the act, arrested & dealt with one way or the other.

As a third wave of insight washed over me, I understood that election results were not the main target of this operation. Children were. Donald John Trump ran for the office of the President of the United States of America to launch the massive, world-wide hunt, search & rescue operation that would annihilate child-trafficking & all who participated in it. 

Within about an hour, while reading some online comments, I saw one written in all capital letters, stating EXACTLY what I had just realized. I see that as confirmation from the Lord.

The scope of this operation has stretched my perceptions of reality to disturbing & sickening limits. I suspect that stretching is not quite over.

For many of you, I don’t think it’s even started yet.

If what I think is coming – massive revelations of truth to the general public – does in fact arrive, I’m hoping that some of the things I may write about, as the Lord leads,  might help ease the shock & the pain. Make things clear. And bring joy!


The Redemption of Washington, DC

I had never really thought about cities – how they come into being, why, what is represented by them. Except for an excursion into the origins of Sydney, Australia, urban life & habitation hasn’t been on my radar.

…and I definitely never invested any thought into the origins of Washington, DC…


From the perspective of 21st century America, we know that those thirteen colonies were destined to prevail in the Revolutionary battle for independence. It is easy to make the assumption that somehow, they also knew that. I had unconsciously carried that kind of thinking in my mind, and so did some of my early-days blogging companions. It may not be a natural response today, to sense the risk, the uncertainty & probably immobilizing fear that would have waged its own war against the thrilling expectations, the glorious hope of & faith in ultimate victory. Especially as the years of war dragged on…

Similarly, from my 21st century America viewpoint, I always just assumed that Washington, DC, as the final capital city of the United States of America, had been a done deal. A slam dunk. Everyone wanted that, and the city/district was created, along with the Capitol building & White House, without a hitch.

US Capitol 1800

Washington DC , 1800 – US Capitol

(Have I ever met people? In what universe was I living?)


Washington, DC remained a slatternly miserable village throughout much of the nineteenth century, hardly endurable…” according to Stanley Elkins & Eric McKitrick, authors of The Age of Federalism: The Early American Republic, 1788-1800.

That was an unexpected revelation!

Fast-forwarding to today, and considering the hostile, accusative & bitter environment so often seen in Washington, DC as the seat of our government, I have to wonder: has an element of its former tarnish, its spoiled & soiled soul, remained? Threading its way through the years, its people & its activities?

If so, why?


Elkins & McKitrick posit that cities are not created – rather, they ‘germinate’ and then grow. Beneficial growth requires planning & supervision, based on ‘clearly recognized needs’. And not needs only, but the values resident in what/who may already exist in the area.

Commerce also – even & perhaps especially an element as simple as the local market – had proven, through its presence & activity in the towns & cities of medieval Europe, crucial to urban expansion & success. Burgeoning commerce and its attendant developments & accommodations gave rise to a ‘culture strikingly distinct from that of the peasant countryside’. (John Mundy & Peter Reisenberg, The Medieval Town) Distinct from the peasant countryside also, would be the medieval universities that chose cities instead as their habitation.


The complex social existence that developed in these places forged ties & loyalties whose strengths depended on a healthy corporate functioning; citizens knew there were advantages to be had, benefits & security found only in their belonging to a civic body.

The idea is presented in The Age of Federalism that the men who attempted the planning of Washington, DC had no concept of these actualities. They were men who “had no feeling for cities at all, little sense of what a city was, and little experience of what urban life meant.”


…well…I’m just laying some of the backstory. The explanations for the fiasco of raising up Washington, DC are more complicated than I’m presenting here today.

A long & bloody war had not that recently been concluded. An entire new nation was being formed & nurtured, and “…there was little room in the American imagination for the idea of a metropolis…” Healing, survival & prosperity don’t happen overnight. Mix all that up with the passions & oft-misguided desires of men and you can see how it might be difficult to…well, see clearly or have had the needed background to know how to plan & build the nation’s official Federal city.

Additionally, the American experience with the metropolis/city was London – I will take the liberty of calling it the colonists’ ‘nemesis city’, corrupt and “where all the schemes for abridging colonial liberties had been hatched.” A Founding decision was made not to allow any such presence in America. But inherent in that decision was also the denial of a place where political authority, commerce & money, and art & intellect could converge. The American people did not have a clear model for their capital city. Looking to a capital where the avenues of civic, social & economic activities could interact, citizens might have had more of a sense of national character & culture within which they could engage.

But, as Elkins & McKitrick state “the anti-urban, anti-metropolitan component of the Revolutionary mentality” proved most persistent.


…but I’m wondering if there were other forces at play that hindered the desired success of this venture, and whose dark poisons linger still.

If so, what can be done about it?


I think it’s interesting that the land on which the District of Columbia was raised up, was originally partly marshland. (Some say entirely ‘swamp’…but a little investigation disproves that.) I think it’s interesting because marshy areas bring to my mind Genesis 1:2, “and the earth was without form, and void…”. I wonder, just as God brought forth from that formlessness, that which He finally declared “very good” (v.31), were His intentions for the capital city of the United States of America the same? And just as the serpent slinked his way into the perfect scenario of Paradise, destroying its beauty by poisoning its very existence with his corrupted motives…did that happen to & during the creation of our early capital city?


One of my theories, based on these readings, is that a city is where the nature of a thing/place comes to a focal point, and is manifested. Elkins & McKitrick conclude that the focal points of Washington, DC were the edifices & monuments that are the visible symbols of majesty and authority, and that the city was primarily designed for the requirements and convenience of the nobility.”

Pennsylvania Avenue

Pennsylvania Ave – Washington DC 19th.Century

In fact, in designer Pierre L’Enfant’s original plans, references to “grand avenues”, “grand edifices” and “grand fountains” are frequently made, with not much mention of provision for everyday life & commerce. (Lewis Mumford, The Culture of Cities) The first few decades of the 19th century produced a total absence of all sights, sounds or smells of commerce” (James S. Young, Washington Community).

The impression is given that the very elements which forced the founding fathers & colonists to severely break from their mother country – monarchical majesty? – were once again taking root?

Was DC launched with wrong motive?


Jesus told us that when we ask and don’t receive our request, it is because we asked with wrong motive.

At least in more recent history, we hear so much about the fat cats in Washington, the wealthy **global elite running the show (or trying to) for their own selfish purposes and perhaps – in the extreme – unholy agendas, while the bread & butter, the muscle & heart of this great country – the people – are often disregarded, used & hoodwinked, if possible. Does it appear that bad seeds – if I may mix metaphors – came home to roost?


It would not seem that God is against cities, or at least the idea of a city, as Scripture speaks of Abraham looking for a city whose builder & maker is God (Hebrews 11:10), and “the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem” in chapter 12, v.22. While the term ‘city’ used in each of these verses may be a spiritual metaphor, nonetheless the actual definition does read ‘a town (properly with walls)’ in the Greek dictionary of Strong’s Concordance.

So I guess the problem might be with the nature of the substance of a city, and accordingly, what kind of fruit is produced?


While reading my source material for this article, the thought of Jericho, the Biblical ‘cursed city’ came to mind. I remembered something I’d read in an old Bible study manual, regarding that curse on Jericho (Joshua 6:17), and on the one who would rebuild it (v.26) (after Joshua invaded & destroyed it). On the face of it, one gets the impression of doom…but this particular Bible preacher had pointed out a completely opposite result.

I could not locate my old Bible study manual, so I did some online research. I did find the same type of outcome stated in this online study of Jericho.

(I am not in 100% agreement with some other conclusions drawn in this study – for instance, I myself don’t know anywhere Scripture indicates that believers reclaim this Earth in battle…I am omitting that part…otherwise, the gist of the conclusion made here does seem accurate to me.) I am posting some final parts of the study:

In the Battle of Jericho we see that after Jericho is purged with fire, Joshua son of Nun sets the cost {places the curse} of rebuilding the Kingdom at the expense of the owners “firstborn son” and “youngest son”. We know from the Bible that the cost of redeeming this planet back to YHVH and the Remnant back to YHVH came at the expense of YHVH’s firstborn son {Jesus}. And it is with the purchased lives of the eldest to the youngest of the sons of God {believers in Christ}that this Earth will be governed, rebuilt, re-established, after the Earth is purged by fire and everything in it destroyed.”

**“…Today as we witness the Global Elite make their move to control this planet, we see them destroying the Earth. They are poisoning our atmosphere with chemicals, poisoning our water supplies, playing with our weather, and they are playing with the genetics to attempt to achieve eternal life (trans-humanism). In the end, they will neither govern this Earth nor will they achieve Eternal Life…” (Summary)


…my intention in including the Jericho example/study is as more of an overview than showing many & specific details. I have not read the entire study. But it does seem like Jericho may represent an ultimately redeemed city/state/earth. If such is true, why cannot Washington DC know redemption as well?

Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Do you know Jesus? Then BE BOLD FOR YOUR COUNTRY in His Name! TODAY pray through history & declare the redemption of Washington DC to righteousness.


Capitol-flag 2

Being ‘Joyfully Serious’ about Jesus

When I started this blog 10 years ago, my purpose in creating it was American Revolution-centered. For me, at that time & since, door after door of wonderful, thrilling facts were opened to me, leading to yet more amazing truths – well, hopefully truths –George Washington bulletproof about our founding and our Founding Fathers.

Over a decade later, I find myself writing about occult rituals & Hillary Clinton.

…I wouldn’t say I strayed from the main path exactly. But…I am pretty sure, at this point, if I don’t reverse course, I’m going to have some problems.

Along the way, I know that God told me to ‘invest in America’. Since I have very little money, I drew the conclusion that He meant investing my focus & energy in learning & writing about my country, the United States of America. About halfway through this journey, I clicked on a link about then-President Obama…and my world changed. The article wasn’t exactly about Barack Obama. Long story short, well…occult rituals & Hillary Clinton. Four or five years later, there is too much darkness surrounding me.


Over the past few days, a family member had to have immediate back surgery. This person’s life may be seriously changed, though it could have been much worse. Children are involved. I am involved. I don’t know why but someone else’s injury & condition has impacted my spiritual reality in a way that I would describe as scales falling from my eyes. I was given to experience, for just a few moments, the strength of God’s love for this person & family – and the adults don’t even believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

For some reason, this event has been the catalyst for me, to reverse course.


…so I am wondering, now what? How do I – or can I even – integrate what I’ve learned & about which I’ve written these past few years,  with this renewal of ‘looking unto Jesus, the Author & Finisher of my faith’? I’m making some semi-sweeping changes in some of my routines, to allow more room, more time for Jesus. But…as far as America, now what?

I’m listening tonite to a Bible meditation/teaching about grace. The teacher, Rev. Wayne Monbleau, was saying that yes, he prays for our nation, but if the Body of Christ would drop everything else & really look to Jesus, become joyfully serious about Jesus Christ & learn about Him, as Scripture teaches…if we would repent of focusing on so many other topics! THAT would be the best thing for America.

I can find no fault with that approach.

…so I’m not sure where this is going to take me, or how my writings will change…I don’t know what’s going to show up on these pages in the hopefully near future…but by the grace of God in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am hoping for some fruit that lasts, and makes a difference in people’s lives.


“Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.”

(1st Thessalonians 5:24)

Jesus, the Way


Broken Nets & Sinking Ships

Recently I was thinking about the Scriptural account where Jesus got involved in his disciples’ fishing activities. (There are actually at least two different accounts – one takes place after his resurrection.) In the first, Jesus had entreated Simon Peter to launch his ship out a little ways onto the lake of Gennesaret, from where he then proceeded to teach the people who had gathered on the shore to hear him speak. Afterwards, he instructed Simon to launch out further, and drop the fishing nets. Though toiling “all the night” with not a catch, Simon complied, and his net “inclosed a great multitude of fishes”. So great, in fact, that the net broke. The men beckoned a partner ship to come to their aid. Both ships became so heavy with the weight of their fish, that they began to sink! (Luke 5:1-6)

In the second account, again involving Simon Peter and another fruitless night of casting their nets into the water of the sea of Tiberias, the resurrected Lord specifically instructed the fisherman to cast their nets over the right side of the ship, promising results. Again, the men complied, and the catch was so great, so heavy, that the “they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.” It took the help of another ship to finally drag the net full of fishes to land. (John 21:6)


So it seems pretty clear that following Jesus’ instructions is the way to go, if you want results. In these instances, He directed the disciples to specific locations, either further out into deeper waters, or a particular side of the boat. For this reason, in this post, I’m focusing on location.


Some years ago, teaching on these events, I remember a preacher comparinFishesg the sinking of the ships with being immersed in humanity, rubbing elbows with people of all types, when we are trying to follow Jesus & do His work. The preacher pointed out that a sinking ship, with nets loaded & bursting, would be full of not only the desired cargo of fishes, but seaweed, refuse thrown into the water, probably dead things, etc. It could be a foul, smelly, quite unlovely environment!


While recalling this message, it occurred to me: is this a picture of the great ‘melting pot’ that is America? The poor, huddled, shivering masses that came to our shores? The immigrants (legal & otherwise) that still struggle to reach our borders, and cross them? All the elements, desirable and not so much, that find their way to our soil, and take root, or at least try?

I know it is generally understood that these Scriptures are referring to becoming fishers of men, and reaching souls in the name of Jesus, to bring them into His kingdom. But if one considers that thread of the possibility of a Divine origin & destiny weaving throughout American history, and that destiny is primarily & ultimately to be that place where the most powerful expression & manifestation of Jesus Christ will ever be seen on this earth (apart from His actual life, death & resurrection 2,000 years ago, and His final return) and radiate outwards….then the process of drawing to Himself the yet unredeemed from every walk of life would & will be a massive undertaking, stretching resources to exhaustion, almost sinking ships as it were. The criminal element, the dangerous, the poor & unlovely, the greedy, the sick in many ways…will be hauled in, within those ‘nets’ of outreach. Our systems, our borders, our infrastructure may be over-taxed and threatened, for a season. But Jesus deliberately invited over-loading the fishing nets & sinking the ships, for the cause of the prize of the catch.


So I have to wonder, have I been misguided in my support of building the wall on the Mexican border? in my support of the travel ban enforced against certain Middle Eastern countries? and especially my stand against illegal immigrants? I have fully stood with President Trump in these issues, and do not want to be foolish in changing my stance now. Sadly, I see these actions as necessary for our safety, but…when you look at a situation from perhaps the Divine perspective, it gets you thinking.

Thinking deeply.
