The Wisdom Of God in His Gift to America: George Washington, General & President

One of my most visited posts is George Washington & Political Parties”. I don’t know if the thoughts expressed therein ever helped anyone, but I was reading it today and was certainly given pause.

George Washington, as Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary War forces & our first President, continues to only earn more of my great & deep respect and admiration. With every new article, statement, or description relating to this man, I am profoundly impressed. It does not seem possible that what God hath wrought through our first & foremost Founding Father, could show itself yet more magnificent – but it does.

We learn not only about Washington, we also learn about God. We can learn about His heart for America, in seeing His hand in young George’s life, in the young Lieutenant Washington’s exploits, in George’s meeting of Martha, his wife-to-be…in oh so close! brushes with death, miracles in battle…and especially so in General Washington’s dauntless perseverance against all odds. If you aren’t a person who is interested inGW in battle learning about Revolutionary War battles in more detail, you wouldn’t know about the unrelenting obstacles & setbacks, cruel deprivations & deep discouragements, disappointments & betrayals. Sufferings about which we are blessed to not know the details, perhaps…those of us who have not served in active combat, nor will, are so protected by those who have. Washington & his men stood against the darkness, and with the Almighty’s Hand, prevailed.


…so I thought I would re-post here some of our first President’s warnings concerning political parties.

One of the expedients of party to acquire influence…is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts.”

You don’t have to look too far to see this principle thriving in today’s political climate!


Washington warned that such ‘misrepresentations’ “…tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection.” Causing instead division in these United States.

He foresaw “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men {being} enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government…”  Wolves in sheep’s clothing?

{Quotes taken from George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)}


From my original post George Washington & Political Parties, I reproduce here my own wording:

…with insight as piercing as the quickened & powerful word of God, discerning the thoughts & intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12), Washington lays bare the ‘spirit of party’, which he saw as being deeply rooted in human nature & passion, and aggravated by resentments. He understood “that love of power, and proneness to abuse it” found in human hearts, and believed the pitting of one faction against another could produce over time enough revenge, misery and ‘disorders’, as to impel the populace back towards monarchy.”

We should be alarmed at the mere thought of such a possibility. You need to know that God Himself did not want His people to be under any earthly monarchical ruler. (1 Samuel 8:7) He still does not want that. It’s not His style!! When you see any kind of movement trending – even inching! – in that direction, be concerned. Be concerned because there is a power behind it, that does not have your good at heart. There is a power behind it that ultimately desires to usurp the throne of the King of kings.


GW_Political_Partes (2)

Related posts:

Returning to Monarchy

Political Parties, the Federal Reserve & Jesus

Have you ever wondered – as I have – how the two-party political system began in the young nation of America?

One day, in some casual reading regarding our new nation, I noticed that this split party development appeared to have sprung from the dilemma of needing money and the attempted means of procuring it. I was both intrigued and a bit stymied by that. I have never had a natural inclination towards understanding economics or financial matters. But volume 4 of The American Heritage: a New Nation tells me that $80,000,000 in debt required plans & actions to repay it – plus expenses incurred on a daily basis ‘to carry on government functions’. Tariffs & subsidies, securities, debt consolidation – bailouts, taxation. bonds & credit – you name it, were argued, opposed, and instituted, leading to establishing a national bank ‘to provide more credit’. Alexander Hamilton was for, Thomas Jefferson against – ‘…the breach widened between them, and before the contest was over, America had two political parties.’ (p.309)

I never pursued more detailed research on this subject. But now that our world – the entire world – is spiralling down the rabbit hole, and many don’t even realize this, I’ve recently been paying more attention to finance. Not so much mine – I know what my deal is! and I try to place my trust in God, not money – but national and global monetary issues. Nations crashing financially don’t happen overnight, nor does their downfall come from nowhere. There are roots that produce this fruit. So I’ve been looking a little more closely into the situation.


I am not saying that I’m doing detailed research into monetary structures & processes. And I am definitely not saying that I’m really ‘getting it’.  Still difficult for me, still a struggle…But something is clicking, in the overall picture. Events past & present, like puzzle pieces, are starting to fit together.


Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already. (Rep. James Traficant, Jr.-Ohio, addressing the House, United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303

The information contained in Mr.Traficant’s speech, quoted above, is more than upsetting. It explains to us some actions that were taken in 1933, approved by then President Roosevelt, that re-structured the government that you think you now have today. If you’ve already heard about this, or know it, it is still shocking & sobering. If new to you, it will change your whole view of the United States of America & her government. Traficant tells us that, “Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots…”

He continues, “Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations.” ‘”Since the inception of central banking…” Bells going off, anyone? The ‘sovereign power structure’ mentioned above is the ‘they’ we are talking about here. It is what people are calling the New World Order global elite. It is still alive & kicking – or trying to kick, anyway – and look where it got it’s start. Not sure I really want to say ‘Thanks’ to Alexander Hamilton….


The gist of James Traficant’s speech to Congress in 1993 seems to be a clear explanation of the Federal Reserve Bank/System – what it really is, how it basically functions, and what this has meant, and still means today for you & I, as American citizens. It is not pretty. But We, the People need to know the truth here. Reading his words might give some a crucial overall understanding of what goes on in some areas of our current political system, and the world, today.


( Note: At this time, I am unable to connect to the above link to James Traficant’s speech for more than a few seconds. Then the page goes blank. Before it does, however, there is enough time for me to read that Traficant was framed for fraud & corruption in 2002 – if I correctly recall – then jailed for 7 years. He passed in 2014. I did not see any mention of the circumstances of his death in this piece. -9/21/2016)

(UPDATE: seems to work – 6/26/2017)


 What grabs my attention here, as I extrapolate on this information – coupled with my minimal knowledge of global intrigue, institutions & assemblies, is the fact that money seems to lie at the core of much that has transpired over time, leading the world to the brink of a looming Armageddon. Getting it, paying it back, hoarding it – and finally, using it in all its aspects, to control others. Using it as power.


In the past year or two, I’ve seen so many alarming headlines, warning, informing – in an apparent attempt to escape unprecedented financial loss by certain investments or purchases involving gold. To me, as someone barely ‘getting by’, such drama seemed surreal. Now, I’m beginning to see what the big deal is. Whole other elements exist in this world, than what I have known in ‘normal living.’ I am not necessarily referring to the wealthy in their entirety. I refer to those whose whole world becomes drastically threatened when markets crash & stocks drop. I refer to the ‘panic on Wall street’ crowd. Most of all, I refer to those who operate in darkness, and shades of darkness, while appearing to you to be standing in the light. I refer to those who partly comprise that of which Paul writes in the first chapter of Galatians: “…our Lord Jesus Christ…who gave himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world…” (v.3,4)

I believe such people fear losing much more than just money. Because the love of money is the root of all evil, I would venture that such persons, couched in that love, are enslaved by evil (whether they know it or not) and produce evil. They spin webs that trap others. These ‘others’ probably include – or included at one time – you & I. These web-spinners do not care about your well-being or mine. They care about maintaining control. Over us. Crashing economic/financial structures bode, for them, complete loss of power & control.

I suggest that maintaining this control commands such extreme importance for these people, because they think that in some way this control represents their own ‘salvation’. They are way off the mark here. Perhaps they are allowing themselves to be deceived, because for them, the truth is unbearable. Neither money nor power & control can help them, ultimately. They are, or are associated with, antichrist. Unless they repent of this, and choose Christ the Saviour of the world, their doom is sealed.


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)


























Political Parties, the Federal Reserve & Jesus

Have you ever wondered – as I have – how the two-party political system began in the young nation of America?

One day, in some casual reading regarding our new nation, I noticed that this split party development appeared to have sprung from the dilemma of needing money and the attempted means of procuring it. I was both intrigued and a bit stymied by that. I have never had a natural inclination towards understanding economics or financial matters. But volume 4 of The American Heritage: a New Nation tells me that $80,000,000 in debt required plans & actions to repay it – plus expenses incurred on a daily basis ‘to carry on government functions’. Tariffs & subsidies, securities, debt consolidation – bailouts, taxation. bonds & credit – you name it, were argued, opposed, and instituted, leading to establishing a national bank ‘to provide more credit’. Alexander Hamilton was for, Thomas Jefferson against – ‘…the breach widened between them, and before the contest was over, America had two political parties.’ (p.309)

I never pursued more detailed research on this subject. But now that our world – the entire world – is spiralling down the rabbit hole, and many don’t even realize this, I’ve recently been paying more attention to finance. Not so much mine – I know what my deal is! and I try to place my trust in God, not money – but national and global monetary issues. Nations crashing financially don’t happen overnight, nor does their downfall come from nowhere. There are roots that produce this fruit. So I’ve been looking a little more closely into the situation.


I am not saying that I’m doing detailed research into monetary structures & processes. And I am definitely not saying that I’m really ‘getting it’.  Still difficult for me, still a struggle…But something is clicking, in the overall picture. Events past & present, like puzzle pieces, are starting to fit together.


Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already. (Rep. James Traficant, Jr.-Ohio, addressing the House, United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303

The information contained in Mr.Traficant’s speech, quoted above, is more than upsetting. It explains to us some actions that were taken in 1933, approved by then President Roosevelt, that re-structured the government that you think you now have today. If you’ve already heard about this, or know it, it is still shocking & sobering. If new to you, it will change your whole view of the United States of America & her government. Traficant tells us that, “Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots…”

He continues, “Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations.” ‘”Since the inception of central banking…” Bells going off, anyone? The ‘sovereign power structure’ mentioned above is the ‘they’ we are talking about here. It is what people are calling the New World Order global elite. It is still alive & kicking – or trying to kick, anyway – and look where it got it’s start. Not sure I really want to say ‘Thanks’ to Alexander Hamilton….


The gist of James Traficant’s speech to Congress in 1993 seems to be a clear explanation of the Federal Reserve Bank/System – what it really is, how it basically functions, and what this has meant, and still means today for you & I, as American citizens. It is not pretty. But We, the People need to know the truth here. Reading his words might give some a crucial overall understanding of what goes on in some areas of our current political system, and the world, today.


( Note: At this time, I am unable to connect to the above link to James Traficant’s speech for more than a few seconds. Then the page goes blank. Before it does, however, there is enough time for me to read that Traficant was framed for fraud & corruption in 2002 – if I correctly recall – then jailed for 7 years. He passed in 2014. I did not see any mention of the circumstances of his death in this piece. -9/21/2016)

(UPDATE: seems to work – 6/26/2017)


 What grabs my attention here, as I extrapolate on this information – coupled with my minimal knowledge of global intrigue, institutions & assemblies, is the fact that money seems to lie at the core of much that has transpired over time, leading the world to the brink of a looming Armageddon. Getting it, paying it back, hoarding it – and finally, using it in all its aspects, to control others. Using it as power.


In the past year or two, I’ve seen so many alarming headlines, warning, informing – in an apparent attempt to escape unprecedented financial loss by certain investments or purchases involving gold. To me, as someone barely ‘getting by’, such drama seemed surreal. Now, I’m beginning to see what the big deal is. Whole other elements exist in this world, than what I have known in ‘normal living.’ I am not necessarily referring to the wealthy in their entirety. I refer to those whose whole world becomes drastically threatened when markets crash & stocks drop. I refer to the ‘panic on Wall street’ crowd. Most of all, I refer to those who operate in darkness, and shades of darkness, while appearing to you to be standing in the light. I refer to those who partly comprise that of which Paul writes in the first chapter of Galatians: “…our Lord Jesus Christ…who gave himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world…” (v.3,4)

I believe such people fear losing much more than just money. Because the love of money is the root of all evil, I would venture that such persons, couched in that love, are enslaved by evil (whether they know it or not) and produce evil. They spin webs that trap others. These ‘others’ probably include – or included at one time – you & I. These web-spinners do not care about your well-being or mine. They care about maintaining control. Over us. Crashing economic/financial structures bode, for them, complete loss of power & control.

I suggest that maintaining this control commands such extreme importance for these people, because they think that in some way this control represents their own ‘salvation’. They are way off the mark here. Perhaps they are allowing themselves to be deceived, because for them, the truth is unbearable. Neither money nor power & control can help them, ultimately. They are, or are associated with, antichrist. Unless they repent of this, and choose Christ the Saviour of the world, their doom is sealed.


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)


























Serpent in the Arab Spring?

Have the Islamists won after all?

I accuse myself of being a Pollyanna.  Call it faith, hope, or positive thinking, but sometimes I still wonder if I’m just an ostrich with my head buried in the sand.  I hear the suggestions, predictions & innuendos, but I don’t let them penetrate.  Forging (or floundering!) blindly ahead, I walk smack into that proverbial brick wall.  They told me it was there, but I barely considered that it might really be there.  On the other hand, “Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger…as the Lord’s servant?”  (Isaiah 42: 19)

We were warned. Many suggested that the Arab uprisings for freedom may really be the result of seeds carefully sown by Islamic radicals, a power ploy.  ‘Once governments are destabilized, then toppled, we’ll move in for the kill’ – that kind of scheme…well, that made sense.  After all, we are talking about the Middle East.  Yet, though such manipulations may very well have taken place,  they could just as well have been part of the tool God used to bring about such regime-shaking revolution.  He intervenes in the affairs of men.  To everything there is a time and season…

So, for a brief while we were in limbo.  Who started all this?  With what motives?  Exactly who are the players?  Then, there is an accusation that the United States was involved in stirring up the dissension, planning to remain stand-offish, let chaos ensue and then, let radicals rule.  I forget what our purpose for supposedly pulling all this off is.  (I read this accusation in a comment on a site I don’t usually visit, and I haven’t been able to figure out which one it was.)  It is true that the United States did not rush in, boots-on-the-ground with a long-term strategy!  but my understanding was/is that Iraq and AfPak were enough already…

Libyan rebels

A Washington Times editorial advocating more active U.S. involvement in Libya, points to the damaging potential of a ‘U.S. leadership vacuum’, and states that the Obama administration has ‘subtly promoted’ the rise of Islamist parties there by not supporting the more pro-Western ones. This analysis certainly seems to partially mirror the above accusation.  Whatever the reason for a lesser American presence in regards to today’s Libya, that void does allow for another presence to occupy.  “The working assumption should be that every faction will seek opportunities to expand their power and increase their influence over whatever system emerges.” concludes the Times editorial.  In this scenario, the “the Islamists will play to win.”  Though I myself have read previous rebuttals to such intent, downplaying ambitions & plans, specifically Muslim Brotherhood-related, my skepticism has remained. The rebuttals seemed too white-washed. “Islamists are more than willing to dupe credulous westerners by telling them what they are eager to hear”, advises the Times,and Raymond Ibrahim, Islam specialist, writer for Jihad Watch and on his own site ‘pundicity’, adds

Raymond Ibrahim

“…conniving Islamists who spoon-feed the world what it wants to hear.”  

Ibrahim posits that we Westerners are being duped by the use of the “d” word – democracy – paired up with the Arab rebels, and assume it means to them what it means to us.  Well, to some of them, it does.  They, the liberals & secularists, are the ones who are concerned  about an Islamist, shariah law-producing takeover in these Middle Eastern countries that are supposedly being liberated.  And now that the Tunisian elections have produced an Islamist winning party…well…are we seeing the handwriting on the wall?  Tunisia, as it turns out, is the country least likely to have been influenced by Islamist parties, so, if they took the plunge…some predict that is evidence of “…the victory of Islamists in future elections in Egypt and Libya.”

There is an abundance of related material all over the net.  I could read nothing else but that, and end up with eyestrain every day.  Enough…I am sufficiently convinced that the Arab uprisings sparked, then fueled by long-denied personal liberty, dignity & freedom of choice (and whatever other propellants may have been present) is very much in danger of an Islamic hijacking. Eden was not without its serpent.  And though God created the Eden into which that reptile slithered, point is, He allowed it access.  We should not be surprised that it shows up in other potential Edens.

So where do we go from here?

Deep and fervent prayer should be the first step.  Much is at stake.


“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

James 5:16


Political Parties, Continued…

AS previously mentioned in Part 1, I am intrigued by the concept of a basically 2-party political system. What draws me in in has more to do with covenant, though. Covenant, of course, brings us into the sphere of ’religion’. Specifically, Judeo-Christian. More specifically, Christian. And guess where we end up: right in front of Jesus.

Who would think that Democrats & Republicans would find themselves in this classification? In the daily of political life, I would doubt that such a connection would be at the forefront of the thinking of those so involved…but the more I think about it…the more I consider this dynamic to be in operation. Somehow.

I had not realized that those in Columbus’ time, and later, saw themselves as settlers of a new Promised Land, a New Jerusalem. They came here with a mission from God, they believed. From a purely natural, secular perspective, that sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? But in retrospect, seeing how America prospered greatly, with such Divine favor, one can see how that mission just might have been a genuine one. I see it as a bringing of the New Covenant into a more manifested state. I believe that God meant to show mankind His covenant with us, in & by Jesus Christ, through the creation of America. I believe that this experiment in freedom, engendered by the shedding of blood, and having been conducted on a universal scale and spanning the centuries, has been a great and bold Model of the new & living Way.

To their forever glory, our Founding Fathers believed that this experiment in freedom called America, was not for America’s sake only – they recognized it as a model, a beacon for the world to see, by which to become enlightened, and of which to partake. Jesus tasted death for every man, and whosoever will may come. His is not an elitist, exclusive club. Anyone may join. Come as you are.

So…is America a message? His message?


Getting back to parties/Covenant…

In essence, a covenant is a binding agreement (bound under penalty of death – hence, the shedding of blood) between two, uh, parties…those parties could be individuals or they could be tribes, nations, or families. But the gist of covenant is the exchange of strengths & weaknesses. Where one side falls short, the other steps up to the plate.

From this root principle spring concepts such as yin & yang, ‘opposites attract’ , even male/female , it would seem.

So I have to wonder how this two-part equation ties in to our 2-party political system. I can’t not consider, is there a parallel? It would seem.

Where my thought processes begin to stumble is at any point of partisan conflict. Covenant provides strength & support, not rivalry and is, by the way, serious business. Keep in mind, covenants are cut in blood, not verbally, not with pen & ink. Your covenant partner can be counted on. The only way out of true covenant is death. (I’m getting ahead of myself here…but I’m trying to get a handle on how/if our 2-party political system has its root in the Spirit, in any way…if it was intended by God for a\slightly different purpose, or function…)

Or perhaps it is fulfilling the very function for which it was intended, despite human flaw & error, pride & greed.

Something to think about…