“Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God…” You may Find It even in the Coronavirus Quarantine

Joseph sold into Slavery

I would not say that God released the coronavirus around the planet, but I would say that He had a plan for good, within its release & effects on humanity.  Similar to Joseph’s brothers’ intentions for evil, when they sold him into slavery out of their jealousy & resentment of him.  Joseph, when victorious, spoke these words to them: “You thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good…” (Genesis 50:20)

It would have to have been within such a time as this – a time of lockdown & quarantine – when I would have been severed from most all of my normal activities – that I could finally face a central reality.  Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide.  And the alleged ‘refuge’ of being home & ‘sheltering in place’…well, to quote the Eagles’ song, ‘Lyin’ Eyes’ “Every form of refuge has its price.”  Escape from coronavirus became at times imprisonment.  Faltering hope turned into fear & despair. Demons, waiting at the door, found entrance.  Depression crushed.

As a Christian, I know there is, for me, only one truly effective Way to fight these things.


but I’ve been believing (I thought) in this Way for over four decades, so why was I being so oppressed?  It would seem like I should have been in better shape than I was.  It should’ve been easier for me to fend off the demons & nightmares.


God causes the light to shine out of…what?…darkness.  Though we think we are in the abyss, perhaps instead we have been positioned for glorious breakthrough.

I have experienced anew the impact of 1 Corinthians 10:13,  the Scripture promising us that God will not give us more than we can bear, but with the hardship will provide a way of escape.

There came a point for me, about a month ago, where I had to jump off a spiritual cliff.  The price of remaining hunkered down (and I don’t mean the coronavirus quarantine!) in an ever-increasing darkness & hopelessness was too high.  I needed that way of escape.  And it was shown to me.

I learned that I had to make a conscious, deliberate choice, with a more-or-less ‘no going back’ clause attached to it.  This may sound simple to you – basic – and it is but I wasn’t doing it.  I don’t know what I was doing! but it wasn’t this:  I realized that the kingdom of God has to come first.  Whereas before the kingdom perhaps didn’t seem ‘real’, I couldn’t relate to it in certain moments & circumstances – and I think that’s to be expected, we live in a world system and also a tangible reality that affects our senses – now I had chosen to begin to superimpose what God says over what I’m feeling.  More than that, I had to toss aside that ‘feeling’, that dread, that fear.  It had to be an absolute choice.  And it sometimes had to be done, if necessary, minute-by-minute.

That may seem like an inconvenience or worse.  Getting really serious about it involves choosing an alternate reality for yourself, in any given moment, and even though you ‘trust God’, that can be scary at first.  Hard to do.

It’s worth it.


We can experience some horrible sensations, and maybe can’t even put names to them.  But I’ve heard that only two basic emotions exist, love & fear. I myself accept that every other feeling is a version – by degrees – of these two emotions.   And we KNOW when we aren’t feeling love, so…combat the isolation, dread, despair, whatever emotion that grips you, with a related Scripture.  THINK on it.  If you can, take the time you need to see it through.  


You have to choose.


This isn’t a one-time action.  And we fall.  But because of the Lord, who holds our hand, we don’t remain cast down. (Psalm 37:24)

I have struggled with fear all my life, and still do.  I am 69 years old, and have believed in Jesus Christ for over 40 years.  Practicing what I have tried to explain to you just now is starting to bring a relief such as I have not experienced before…I need to do it every day, many times, but this is spiritual reality.  It is the kingdom of God being sought first, and He adds the rest (Matthew 6:33) – in my case, literal rest!  

It may be thought that seeking the kingdom of God first translates to actions.  While I wouldn’t say that’s not true, I think that the kingdom – that over which this King has dominion – begins with how He thinks & what He tells us in His Word.  My starting point in this is what He tells us about fear, anxiety, isolation and such, in relation to His character & promises TO US. Moreover, His character period!

For instance, if you really believe that God is faithful...think about it…always faithfulthat right there causes me to exhale & feel safe.  You don’t need to be a Bible scholar, a student of Hebrew or an accredited theologian.  You do need to know – or learn – some of the Bible, and it’s a good idea to be reading it in order to primarily get to know God in Christ.  Use a concordance.  Focus on maybe just a few verses or even only one phrase, for a time.  Take small bites.


Keep it up.




When I was first apprehended by Christ some 44 years ago, there was always someone declaring that Jesus was coming back soon.  From Day One of my salvation moment, this statement was constantly being made. But  I never sensed His imminent return.  I wondered why…besides, I had hoped to have a better life, in so many ways! before Christ’s return.  Well, right or wrong, that was how I felt.  

For the first time, NOW  I have finally sensed that the whole planet is being prepared for His return.


I think that’s what this coronavirus is about.



Coronavirus, the World System, and the Son of God

so here we are, as a nation that is part of a global pandemic…our familiar routines lifted from around us as we are transplanted into others. Not sure how long it will be this way. Many are wondering, will things Joseph Prince the New Normal?actually, fully return to what we call ‘normal’? ( Is This Lockdown The New Normal? )

I had planned to write a post based on an alleged quote of Franklin D. Roosevelt, America’s 32nd President.  Research revealed to me that there is no proof President Roosevelt ever actually made that statement. So I’m feeling a little deflated right now! But, even so…I want to continue with my thoughts on possible motives & forces behind the coronavirus.


Right off the top, I want to make it very clear that I see God in this. I see Him large & in charge. I do not mean that I believe God is smiting the earth with a viral plague, that His intentions are to judge, punish or hurt. And yes, I know many have died. Yet He wasn’t taken by surprise when COVID 19 began to manifest around the world. (In fact, pastor Joseph Prince sees this viral strain as demonic ’catch up’ to a special supernatural healing released by the Lord earlier in 2018. YouTube)

Regardless of how our ‘normal’ may or may not change, the Lord is present. JESUS is here. His eye is on Give Thanks in All Thingsthe sparrow. As a believer, He knows what you need before you ask, and in some cases, He answers while you are yet speaking, right?!! Psalm 86 tells me that the LORD is plenteous in mercy unto all who call upon Him, and the Hebrew word for ‘all’ used here (#3605 in Strong’s Concordance) does not appear to exclude anyone.


I myself seriously consider that, as some believe, the coronavirus was bio-engineered & deliberately released into the world. If you are not someone who has even remotely thought of such things, this sounds ludicrous, I know. Five years ago, that was me. Not so much these days, though…

Once I focused & did an internet search, I found enough online information to remind me of this possibility. I continue to ponder it. The Scriptures tell us of the existence of a present ‘evil age’. They remind us that our true warfare is not against flesh & blood but against ‘powers and principalities’ (Ephesians 6:12)). So there is justification to consider a darker source behind a global sickness, something other than just an outbreak of germs & viruses that multiplied and spread on their own.

Knowing only a little bit of what goes on in the world system (or appears to go on) and then looking at some of the behaviors that have developed, as a result of COVID 19, I have to wonder…

For instance: for years, I have been suspicious of the true intent behind the internet. I continue to be suspicious. This ‘lock down’ is removing us even further from normal human interaction & increasingly confining us to an isolation within which we are looking at screens. Globally, we are being fed information that is tied into and determined by cybernetics, data programmers & AIs. Too much control is being taken away from us.

Another pattern of changing behavior that I’ve seen developing in my area, is substituting electronic actions for cash transfer from hand-to-hand, to hinder the spread of the virus. Yes, it’s a good & safe idea, but still, it’s another move towards an increasingly cashless society (Mary Stewart Relfe, Ph.D., The New Money System). This particular instance involves public transportation, and likely it’s temporary.  Still…I notice it. I wonder.

I am pointing these out as examples of what could become a ‘paving of the way’ for Antichrist, a one world/New World order leader. My intention is not to over-dramatize the agendas that are probably in place, and have been, since the downfall of man in the Garden, but to simply remind people that perhaps something else is going on here. And to become aware of the Antichrist’s nemesis: THE Christ who has come in the flesh, and will come again.


Lana Vawser Ministries has posted a word of great comfort from the Lord, concerning these times of coronavirus, while we are being set-in-place: “THERE IS SO MUCH GRACE AND HELP FROM THE LORD FOR YOU IN THIS TIME OF RESET AND TIME OF REALIGNMENT!  Regardless of any diabolical sources – if so be – behind this pandemic, God is greater. In my heart, I think He desires those things that need to be shaken & removed, or severed from us in our individual situations, to be so severed & removed, that we may begin to regain a focus that perhaps many of us have lost, or that has become faded. For some, it may be a new focus, a first-time experience! Amen & Hallelujah! What great rejoicing!

And if some are thinking, does God need to let a PANDEMIC (or even just the fear of one) course throughout the earth just to get our attention? Really? I would answer, if you knew Who He is, and what He has done in Jesus Christ, you would understand.  Because you DON’T understand, for your own good, yes, He does.

He wants you to know Him. He wants you to know His love.

While powers & principalities, working through the world system & fear, are seeking to pave the way for their own destructive, satanic purposes, the Risen Lord is paving the way for something else – for you & I to know Him, or know Him better, and life abundant in & through Him, now & forever.  Because forever is real.  Amen.

Which is why I say that I see God in this.

I Said m Coming Back...

Exchanging Your Reality…the Son of God in You

In my life, I have thought more highly of myself than I ought. (Romans 12:3)

These days, I am finding that as I really pay attention to certain Bible message recordings and LET those seeds sink in, I can see how…far short I fell.

This statement is not meant to heap guilt on myself, or anyone else reading this who can relate! I think it’s just a matter of growth…which God gives in the appointed time. But seeing what’s there, into which we can enter & have our being, compared to how I was…and which I thought was the right place but now I see, was just on the way to the right place! is like turning over a new leaf.


It may be a case of accepting a new reality. We come to Christ while being engaged in living in the world system, and knowing what we experience as natural life, with all its involvements & entanglements. We have no spiritual discernment, as a rule, it seems.

Then, one day, there is a moment, there is an encounter, and we meet up with Jesus. If we choose him (or rather, agree? with His choosing us, perhaps is a better way to phrase it )(John 15:16), then we are translated into the kingdom of Light. After years or decades of not living in that kingdom, we find ourselves transplanted & beginning a learning and changing process. Everyone’s rate of growth & learning curve is unique to them, but I think for most of us, when all is said & done, it does take some time to come into full bloom. (Or as full a bloom as we can, according to God’s good pleasure.)(Hebrews 13:21)

I am at a place where I am beginning to see the more full extent of the exchange of my mindset for His.

And I think it has more to do with ingesting His Word than it does with any ‘effort’ on our part. To really believe a Scripture may challenge your reality more than you realize. But it’s where the rubber meets the road, and the point of origin of freedom in Christ. It is daring & it is bold, but there comes a point when you cannot back away from it. In a way, it is a form of laying down your ‘life’ in that moment & choosing His reality. It is centering. In those moments, you can feel old things fall away. You can sense your new garment.


Especially clarifying for me is seeing how damaging to life and liberty in Christ is the application of a confrontive & maybe even angry ‘contending for the faith’. We would see Jesus, and it is good to show Jesus to others, not incite hostility. You may need to look to yourself & your motives, and most especially see Jesus & learn of Him before you launch a campaign against something or someone.


image of man of heaven_corinthians-bible-quotes

∗∗(If any of what I’ve just written resonates with you, you may want to listen to the messages that triggered off these realizations for me:   Freedom from Condemning Other People’s Beliefs” & “Healing through the Character of God”, available at http://www.lovinggrace.org.)


Hidden Things, America & Elijah the Prophet

“…be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” (Ecclesiastes 12:12)

Yet also, “…a word {spoken} in due season, how good {is it!}” (Proverbs 15:23).

(Granted, this second Scripture implies speaking, not reading. Technically, though, the actual word ‘spoken’ does not appear in the original manuscript – at least, as my Bible presents this verse. So it seems that maybe we can integrate both approaches to words written, modifying if possible over-much reading…)

And it is this ‘over-much reading’ with which I am concerned today. And my concern relates to myself.

My ever-expanding base of new (to me) information regarding hidden/dark agendas – books, articles, videos etc. – has become a sober challenge to my core beliefs concerning America. The very premise of this blog is being called into question. So I am proceeding most cautiously with what I write…I am retracting nothing at this time, and my uncertainties do not involve my faith in Jesus Christ. (He is, in fact, the One keeping me steady…) But periodically I find that I need to put a pin in whatever topic of the day has captured my attention, (keeping in mind that when our Adversary the/a devil speaks, there is no truth in him) take a step back & let the Lord settle it all down, clarify things and such.


There are overwhelming amounts of information ‘out there’ concerning what have been considered myth & fantasy, detailed explanations of rituals, symbols, occult beliefs & practices relating to the United States of America, past & present…I don’t believe that it is wise to become too immersed in learning about such things. I do not say, bury your head in the sand, but a little can go a long way. Managing such intake is smart. And it is imperative to know Jesus Christ, and to know Him well, to know the Scriptures, before one begins this journey, if led to do so…keep this in the forefront of your mind. Keep Him in the forefront of your mind. Stay refreshed in the Lord always.

…and keep in mind, that Scripture shows us that circumstances initiated & arranged by evil-doers, intending harm, can be meant by God for great good & deliverance for many. ((Genesis 45:4-7)

Having said this, there are a few points I want to highlight.

During the build-up of the 2016 elections campaign, my investigations of some of the events & happenings reported led me to information about an occult ritual performed in 1946, called the Babalon Working. My perceptions of reality had been being stretched by then, so I didn’t discount what I read, but rather tucked it away in my mind. This ritual reportedly concerned Hillary Clinton. Though bizarre, it made possible sense to me.

Recently, the Babalon Working topic re-surfaced in a book I’m reading, Tom Horn’s Saboteurs (pg.143). Enough detail is given to provide even more credibility to this ritual’sSaboteurs_2 possible…at least partial effectiveness. I am not going into much detail – that isn’t the point here – but I do want to provide a concise outline of this unholy scheme.

In what has been described as a sex magic ritual, in February & March of 1946, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard & NASA rocket scientist Jack Parsons, both followers of the Thelema philosophy (pg. 144) of Aleister Crowley, conducted “rituals…aimed at incarnating the archetypal divine feminine and changing culture through her influence.”{italics mine} “…the rites were intended to open a doorway through which the goddess Babalon herself might appear in human form.”

I used to think that such rituals, spell-casting etc. were ineffective & powerless. But Scripture contradicts that premise.   “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world”, no doubt! but there is still a ‘he’ who is in the world that has the lesser power, to some degree. I’ve previously read that both frenzied sexual energy & the letting of blood can cause vibrational activity that can cause tears or openings between dimensional veils/partitions, which certainly could explain why we hear about these activities being employed, allegedly, in Satanic rituals etc. If true, this would facilitate the above-mentioned opening of a dimensional doorway…

(…although when the prophet Elijah challenged the 450 prophets of Baal to bring fire down upon a slaughtered bullock, these prophets – in their attempts to induce their god to respond – “cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.” (1 Kings 18:28) to no avail. These guys kept at it from morning til evening, but “there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.” (v.29) Soooo…..)

(…and just to finish this most interesting account in 1 Kings, Elijah drenched with water Elijah 450_2not only his bullock, but the wood on which it was laid three times, plus he dug & filled with water a trench around it, called on the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel once…”Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.” (v.38)


Jack Parsons believed that the desired goal was accomplished. Additionally, in his Book of the Antichrist, he wrote that on October 31, 1948, when the child would have been about one year old, her spirit contacted him, identifying herself as “Hilarion”. Parsons stated that she would become a “powerful international public figure”, helping to usher in the Antichrist.


Well…much seems to align itself with Hillary Rodham being the female child, born in 1947, that Parsons & Hubbard were seeking to conjure. Seems, I say. Though she lost – Amen! – the 2016 election, I believe she’ll try again. Delving into the Clinton’s mutual past, seriously disturbing video & written reportings have me, at this very moment, floored…and feeling as though I could vomit. I’ve seen, heard & read mentions & accounts of alleged murder, corruption, cover-ups & witchcraft – it’s out there & many know that – but it seems I’m being led to learn their history in more detail, at this time. I had read, post 2016 election, that the plan had been to install Bill Clinton into the United Nations, if Hillary had won the 2016 election. Today I heard Larry Nichols state that very intention in a September, 2016 video. This, to me, is frightening. May it never come to pass.


I think it cannot hurt to be aware of these…possibilities.

Of paramount importance, though, for me, is hearing what the Spirit of the Lord says, concerning America & His plans for her. I still believe He has a heart of love for the United States of America. We need to be ‘praying up’ about this even now, and seeking His face for the 2020 re-election of President Trump. Most of all, we need to remember it is about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ as King of all the earth!, and these convoluted & diabolical attempts to thwart that, no matter how deeply they go or how dark they are, will not, ultimately, prevail.

Jesus 22



Jesus, the Captain of our Salvation…and the Y Chromosome?



In Hebrews we are told of the basic difference between spiritual milk & spiritual meat. .  (Hebrews 5:12-14)

We are also told to leave certain principles behind (we are not told to forsake them), and ‘go on unto perfection’ (Hebrews 6:1).

If you haven’t reached the point where it is time for you to ‘go on…’, I don’t think that verse in Hebrews 6 will make any sense to you. In fact, it might seem a little unnerving…


Powerful, powerful truth resides in the Scriptures. A loving Abba God would not visit all such truth at once on His infant children in Christ. Ya gotta grow! before you are ready to hear certain things. His Word is amazingly versatile in that it is both milk AND meat…it is to us what we are able to receive. For myself, I have found over the years, that many times there were Scriptures I just could not endure, I could not process – I would have to put my Bible down and walk away. “…in all his epistles…are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned…wrest…unto their own destruction.” (2 Peter 3:16) I think we may sense, as we continue with Jesus & as we read the Scriptures, truth not yet revealed to us. I remember, when reading this Scripture in the past, having a sense of somber yet utter cluelessness. Now that I think I have some idea as to what this Scripture may refer – if I am right – that sense was well-founded.

We grow by degrees, from faith to faith and glory to glory. You may think you have more or less arrived, but I would venture to say that if you think you are there, hold onto your hat because the ride may just getting started!!!


…along the way, though, truths grasped & principles understood may seem disjointed. For me they have…but the whole picture is beginning to come together now. And I think a reassuring aspect to this whole process is that one can see the layer of truth being revealed as that ‘meat’ that was hidden back when one first began to know a certain Scripture. It becomes apparent that just the ‘outer court'(?) aspect of that specific truth had been shown. We had no idea how bland it was! compared to what’s coming now!! Seeing a fuller truth manifest in conscious understanding – when you have been prepared for it – is a thrill like no other!!!


Life in this world is usually demanding. We all know how easily it can happen, that everything else besides Jesus can take over! He, in fact, warned us against letting the ‘thorns & thistles’ of the demands and activities of this world strangle the Word of Life…I think it is an amazing & almost Herculean feat, to succeed even in small measure sometimes, in not letting the words of Spirit & Truth be squelched. We press on, moving forward, even when we may not really want to! because life forces us to keep moving, or be consumed. He holds our hand! We do not stay down! And one of the best moments, maybe THE best moment, in a life is when one realizes that, in whatever their particular situation is, only the Scripture has the perfect, enduring answer.

I have pretty much come to the conclusion that life in this world is not what I had thought it was. If you are a regular/even occasional reader of my posts, you’ve probably read some of my ‘off the beaten track’ writings. The Lord has led me (I believe) down these unconventional paths because explanations reside therein. I have just recently arrived at the most startling, unexpected and yet refreshing set of theories/ideas that I have yet to encounter.


“…the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God…neither can he know them…” (1 Cor. 2:14)

There is alot going on in the world that believers in Christ, spiritual men & women, know or suspect is hinky. Often, though I can’t prove it, I will ‘sense’ something that isn’t right. Later, confirmation comes my way. It may take awhile. In the meantime, that distrust remains. We will not listen to the voice of one who is other than Christ.

Meanwhile, the bulk of the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket.

This is obvious to everyone, though, even those who don’t confess Jesus Christ. I think what separates people in their view of current events/world happenings is primarily that they don’t see/know/suspect why chaos often seems to reign. Clearly greed, evil & tragedy so often dominate, but how does this come to be? Right values are massacred, the wrong people are acclaimed as idols & heroes…man, the creation of God, is beginning to be increasingly replaced by computers, IT, robots & AI. The world is eating this up, not discerning that they are being eaten up by it. In a way, I am reminded of Nebuchadnezzar’s command to fall down & worship the 90′ high golden image he had set up in Babylon, when the sounds of ‘all kinds of musick’ were heard. (Daniel 3:1, 4-5) Broad is the way of destruction, and many there be that enter therein…responding automatically to all kinds of ‘sounds’.


“So God created man in His image…” (Genesis 1:27)

I don’t think the Scripture clarifies exactly what Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image represented, here in Daniel 3, but my money is on Nebuchadnezzar himself. And ninety feet high no less! The best this king could do was construct a rigid statue. Was he trying to drown out God? He couldn’t really compete with the handiwork of the Most High. He could not, like God, bring forth a living soul in his own image.

But God did.

How often do you ponder the truth that man was created in the image of God? Does that impact you at all? I am forty plus years into walking with the Lord, and I am just now beginning to feel that impact. I knew the Scripture that tells us this…but was not impacted by it.

Our lives are full of a lot of events & situations, we have just about all that we can handle so much of the time. Our focus & our concerns are of necessity on those situations. Details abound, clamoring for our attention & energy. When does a person have a chance to really think about having been created in the image of God? Exactly what does that mean, anyway?

Nonetheless, the first man was created in the image of God. His destiny was to have remained in that perfect state. He did not, though. And when, today, I think about being restored to the image of God, I know that I am finally getting a glimpse of my destiny. I realize that despite my testimonies to the contrary, that I am a new creation in Christ etc., etc., I did NOT actually know & believe that I am coming into the unprecedented condition of existing as one in the image of God.


The big question is, what happened to Adam? so that we, today, need to be restored to the image of God.

It is generally known or believed, that there was serious transgression in Eden. Regardless of what anyone believes specifically transpired in the Garden, we can agree that something outside of God’s instructions to the first couple took place. A choice was made that resulted in the loss of Paradise. It is from this catastrophic loss that mankind needs to be redeemed.

In a vague, non-specific way, people get that. No one argues that our world & its societies need constant repair. We need to be ever vigilant, taking precautions against so many kinds of threats & invaders, ceaselessly surveilling, watchful against new offensives in cyber-space as well as our physical space. But managing our surroundings & circumstances isn’t the solution. It is necessary, but it is not the endgame. The solution would be found in the man or woman who did not create, in the first place, all these kinds of situations from which we need to protect ourselves.

The solution is the man or woman who is walking & living in the image of God.

What was lost in Eden included idyllic surroundings & beautiful communion with God, but the gut-wrenching zinger was a sudden & dramatic change in Adam’s very composition. The image of God in Adam was corrupted.


It is suggested that, at the moment of transgression, Adam’s very DNA became corrupted.

“Once he & Eve sinned, death (errors in the genetic code) entered our first parents…those errors have not only been passed to all of their descendants, but the loss of data has been increasing over time…” (Douglas Hamp, Corrupting the Image, pg.74).




It is also suggested by Hamp that the Y (male) chromosome may in fact be a record of an ‘event’ in the life of our original father – a record of his genetic fall. His genetic information was corrupted. Remember that God did warn our first parents that in the day that they partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good & evil, they would surely die…is death a result, then, of genetic data corruption?


WE cannot fix this. Deluded, transhumanists & others are trying. but beware of them all. Our only Answer is found in Jesus Christ, Who did not share Adam’s defective Y chromosome. There is really a lot going on here, and I’m just barely wrapping my head around it at this point. But wrapping my head around it I am…I hope to write more on these topics, but perhaps some of you readers already are making connections…

Corrupting the Image(Read Douglas Hamp’s book, Corrupting the Image, if you are interested in substantiating details.)





A Final Note: If you consider that DNA corruption may have occurred at the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden, and that fall took place because of a satanic contrivance, you may wonder, why did Satan need to corrupt man’s DNA?

One possible explanation is found in David Icke’s “Tales from the Time Loop”:

“This ‘Divine right’ is simply the right to rule by DNA. We have a head of state in Britain to this day who is only there because of her DNA and the whole freeloading hierarchy of the royal family is structured according to a person’s DNA relationship to the king or queen …what is royal rule by DNA if not outrageous racial and genetic elitism? This ‘Divine’ right to rule has nothing to do with the ‘Divine’ and everything to do with the real origin of these bloodlines. They claim to descend from the ‘gods’ of the ancient world…The ‘royal’ families have interbred incessantly with each other since ancient times because they are seeking to retain the DNA corruption that can apparently be quickly diluted by breeding outside of itself. How interesting that the families of the Illuminati and the power elite do the same to this day. Why? They are the same bloodlines. The royal ‘Divine’ bloodlines of ancient Sumer and Babylon (now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and elsewhere expanded into Europe to become the royal and aristocratic families that ruled that continent and most of the world through the British Empire and those of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and so on. As the people began to challenge and reject the open dictatorship of royal rule {the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolutionary War, the United States of America!} {insertion mine} the bloodlines began to move ‘underground’ by operating among the population in all the areas that control modern society …You will find a similar story all over the world. Credo Mutwa, the official historian of the Zulu nation, told me how so many black African leaders that were placed in power after the colonial masters gave the continent ‘independence’, came from the bloodlines of African kings and queens who claimed to descend from the same ‘gods’ as their white counterparts.”  (David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop” ) {underlining, bold & colored text mine}


Connect the dots…and pray that people’s eyes be opened…