‘Trust the Plan’…Maybe, but Use Caution

After about three years of reading, watching and/or listening to assorted patriots/truthers, etc. sharing their information & intel, beliefs & opinions on the Deep State, Q, President Trump and so on, I am just about depleted.

Anyone else feel this way?


Don’t misunderstand, I take all these things seriously. But maybe not all of us are called to keep up the deep diving. Or less than deep, at this point. Mostly, I just can’t hear much more about anything. It’s sucked up enough of my life, processing, integrating, determining if certain ‘facts’ are true. Generally, I consider that perhaps even most of what I’ve heard is in fact a reality. I don’t forget what I’ve heard, especially the weightier topics. But I still don’t know what is truth & what is not.

My perceptions of reality have changed. Other elements are (or I think they are) now included. But there is still too much shadow. Too much ambiguity.


A perhaps unavoidable consequence (for me) of having spent so much of my time & focus on subject matter that is not specifically about Jesus is just that. The Son God, Son of man lost a lot of my attention. And while that may not have harmed Him, I don’t think it did me a whole lot of good. Some far out points of view/beliefs were presented to my mind, and I wish that I hadn’t heard some of them. However, a redeeming aspect of having struggled with these more unnerving ideas may be, having had my ‘senses exercised to discern both good and evil’, thereby preparing me for ‘strong meat’. (Hebrews 5:14)

I question how much of this truther movement is of the Lord. I want to believe that He is the Author of it, and He well may have been. But along the way, more & more, I began to notice that certain program hosts/guests would, as if having a sudden afterthought, tack on ‘God’ to the end of an explanation. As if he or she had forgotten about Him, or wanting that umbrella of alleged Divine sponsorship covering the actions discussed. At least, wanting the listeners to believe that. And I feel fairly certain that some were just mouthing an expected sentiment.

Falling into this category is a particular supposedly Christian truther whose name I will not mention. But I paid attention to what he said. Until troubling comments were made, questionable guests showed up in his broadcast, Scriptural-type statements made that I did not at all think were Scriptural. I picked the bones from the meat, for awhile, because other, possibly verifiable information was presented, in a confident manner. I learned a lot. But this other aspect has continued to develop, others are noticing it.

I arrived at a crossroads in this situation recently.

I made a decision to forego anymore engagement with this person or his presentations. I will not be detailed or specific in my account of why, except to say that a day or two before I made this choice, I ‘happened’ upon Hebrews 11:13. This individual crossed my mind. My suspicions had been growing.

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.”

Notice that the Word here tells us they transform themselves.


I’ve come to the conclusion that perhaps the reason I find certain ones suspect, throughout my several years of researching in this truther movement, is because they are in fact ‘false apostles, deceitful workers.’

I may find out, later, that I’m wrong. But until I do, I’m remaining cautious.

…judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.”

1 Corinthians 4:5


‘When President Trump appeared to have lost the 2020 Election’…

I’ve started several blog posts with that statement. And I am still unsure about this whole series of…events…involving President Trump, the military, White Hats, Q, ‘the Plan’, etc. etc.  I know how much time I’ve spent researching it, and how much I was drawn in, to the detriment of time spent in seeking the Lord.  Really.  The scales were WAY out of balance.

And I also still find the lure of investigating Deep State vs. Trump/patriots very compelling, often hard to resist & next thing I know, I’m back in it.

I think this is my main concern.


A preacher to whom I’ve listened for decades, thinks that men (and perhaps women) of God who become involved in this type of activity, are deceived. His thought is, do you really think God needs man to…what…exist?  Save the earth?  This preacher does not specifically use words like White Hat, Q, etc., and the message in which he expressed this question had nothing to do with politics, conspiracy, government, etc. But it caught my attention and I cannot forget it.

A woman named ‘Angela’ left a detailed comment on a blog now removed from the internet, that this present-day movement revolving around Deep State/cabal purging, with God at the helm, is a ‘false light’.  Again, this caught my attention and I cannot forget it.


Don’t misunderstand, I am & have been a supporter of President Trump.  I hosted a prayer page on Facebook for him for 6 years, until it was blocked & unpublished a year ago this month, no clear explanation given.  I believe the Lord led me to do that, and it was an honor.

I also believe it was the Lord who ended that endeavor.  Though Facebook, or maybe even the White Hats! cut me off, I always felt it was God’s time for me to lay down my weapon, so to speak.  (I can’t say that I know why.)


Since the 2020 Election, my researching led me to many different websites, programs, hosts, etc. that were previously unknown to me.  Subject matter that was completely unheard of (by me) began to appear on my horizon.  Large amounts of ‘information’ mushroomed into larger amounts that eventually threatened to overwhelm one’s balance & sanity.

I just wonder if there has been a plan behind ‘the Plan.’

If there is, that isn’t to say that many involved in this movement aren’t good, even Godly men & women, on what has so far been the ‘right track.’  But I see a potential for a hijacking.  

Too frequently, psychics and New Age-type talk found their way in (Angela’s ‘false light’?).  Program hosts who professed Jesus as Lord and Savior also spoke of, or allowed others to speak of (without challenging them), past lives and such.  And maybe it’s just me but calling us the ‘saviors of humanity’ does not feel right.  Nor does constant use of the term ‘humanity’ itself.  Again, maybe it’s just me, but why aren’t these people simply saying ‘people’ or even ‘mankind’?  To me, something feels really wrong here.

And so I wonder if such a global ‘Plan’ (allegedly for good) might not at one point turn out to have been a pre-programmed blueprint for the very outcome it is intended to prevent?


I consider that much of what seems ‘off’ to me, may be a product of my own yet-to-be-enlightened state.  It really might.  

But there is too much to research, it is like an ever-growing entity.  Much of it, I don’t know how to find absolute proof.  Even if I did, it does not seem to me that the Lord is leading me to invest THAT much time in such a venture.  Rather the opposite, in fact.  


Someone pointed out,  in reference to this very situation, that Scripture tells us that many enter the broad way unto destruction (Matthew 7:13). I don’t know if Jesus actually was referring to our present day ‘Q’ Plan, the Trump Train, etc. with its attendant movements & followers, when He said this.  I’d always assumed He meant the world system in general, or maybe ‘religion.’  But ‘Draining the Swamp’ involves more than the just the United States of America, it is becoming global, and many there be that are joining the throng.  

So I think a word of caution may be advisable here.  

Pray for discernment.


“Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts…” (1 Corinthians 4:5)


In Genesis 19:12, Scripture begins to tell us about the LORD’S intentions to bring Lot & his family out of Sodom, thus escaping its impending judgment. Not all were thus delivered.


Lot’s sons-in-law’s names are not mentioned among those who escaped the fire & brimstone. As far as I know, there is no specific command of the LORD recorded in the Word, condemning them to remain in Sodom; however, when their father-in-law warned them of the coming destruction, they laughed at him. (Strong’s Concordance Hebrew #6711 defines their reaction as ‘to laugh outright [in merriment or scorn].’ It may have been that they simply chose not to leave, due to unbelief.


…but my main concern, in this article, is the fate of Lot’s wife.

All my Christian life, when hearing about Lot’s wife being turned into a pillar of salt, I’d always assumed that God did that to her deliberately. For a few seconds of turning around to see, that seemed an extremely harsh & unwarranted punishment. (For someone like myself, who has difficulty with certain aspects of the Lord’s apparent character, such a consequence for Lot’s wife only further cemented my difficulties.)

In verse 17, when the angels brought Lot & his family ‘forth abroad’, without the city, they issued a warning to escape for their lives and ‘look not behind thee.’ After the LORD rained brimstone and fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s wife ‘looked back from behind’ Lot (v.26). We know how that worked out for her, but do we understand why?

Further inspection of the specific Hebrew word translated here as ‘look’ sheds some light on this. The word ‘nabat’ does not indicate a quick glance around, but rather to ‘scan’, regarding with pleasure, favor or care. She lingered. It would appear she lagged behind. However long she stood there, it was TOO long. Eerdman’s Handbook to the Bible explains: ‘reluctant to leave, she was overwhelmed in the catastrophe and rain of salt.’(p.140)

Lot’s wife didn’t realize how quickly the physical elements of judgment would overtake the land. The LORD did. He gave instruction. She had been warned, but did not heed that warning. God did not punish this woman, she made a bad choice_in_disregarding_His_counsel.

Or so it seems to me.



When President Donald J. Trump appeared not to have won the 2020 Election, like so many, I was surprised._It almost didn’t seem real.  Also like so many, I began looking into it. (Until even this very day, though trimmed waaay back, I still am.)

My searching out information and, hopefully, truth confronted me with topics & events of which-I’d either never heard or had heard but considered ludicrous, and therefore dismissed.

In this searching, though, I found that much that I’d once dismissed, I no longer could.  For some reason, National Enquirer-type headlines became more acceptable to me.  My parameters of reality began to be stretched.  Some subject matter was more than I could bear, and I had to veer off that path.  (Much of it still is more than I can bear.  I left some of that alone.)  Besides online commenting, there was no place where I could go to discuss these topics, because no one in my small circle of family, neighbors etc. was aware of, or interested in them.  As a result, two-and-a-half years down this road, I still do not really know what’s true.


I became familiar with many online personages who were previously unknown to me.  Most of them, I’ve moved on from.  Elements in their presentations didn’t resonate well with me.  Some whom I initially felt were solid, could be trusted eventually displayed information too New Age-y for me, and I backed off of them for a season.  Or almost completely.  There were contradictions, disinformation even admitted to by some well-known ‘truthers’. And what-I’ve-learned about CGIs & what is called green screen, has caused me to be wary of the authenticity of almost ANY video/television presentation.

The problem is, for me, that I can’t believe that none of what I’ve seen, read, or heard is true.

And a lot does seem to add up.


My purpose in writing today is not to go into detail, but rather a general pointing-the-way-to events that, when all is said & done, I do believe will come to pass.

If & when it happens, you’ll know it.


Even after 9/11, though I paid much more attention to national/international events than I had before, still…government, politics & all the related brouhaha seemed like a circus sideshow to me most of the time.  Now, I realize that there may have been a reason for that!  Things were not what they seemed, I’m being told.  And I’m being told that this has existed on a rather large scale.

You may think that the 2016 election of Donald Trump as President of the United States was only that.  A contest between two political parties and another, normal election, once every four years.  But I now believe that there was, and is still, much more behind that screen.

I’ve recently heard that sometime possibly during June & July of this year (2023), some of what has been hidden there will begin to be made known to the public.  Segments of this public already know many of these things, or have heard, at least.  But I’m writing this for those of you who don’t know &  haven’t heard.


Sometimes Ya Gotta Go through It, It’s not Fun…but Afterwards, It’s Worth It…

A couple of years ago, we were having an ant problem in the house where I rent my apartment. While the exterminator walked around, spraying here & there, we engaged in casual conversation. I’d met him before, but we had never gotten involved in conversation. This time, as we chatted, the topic of God came up. Turns out he is very much a believer, and as we spoke, he told me that if he had to sum up this world system in one word, it would be ‘deception’.

Obviously, I didn’t disagree. But I realize now, a year or two down the road, how oh-so-very-right he was!


Paul tells us that ‘we look…at the things which are not seen’ rather than the temporal, while we live on this earth. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

But do we?

I write these next thoughts not to point fingers, not to fault-find but rather to shed some light on our paths. And I’m writing from personal experience – in fact, recent personal experience – so it’s a case of taking the log out of my own eye…


I always thought that it was rather tricky to not be paying so much attention to temporal things, temporal reality. After all, we are living in an earthly world system! And the needs of the flesh, just to survive, (not to mention our wants!) require so much of our time & energy. Our focus. Although every one of us who comes to Christ has to work out their own salvation, with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12), find their own method of juggling the visible and the invisible so that the visible doesn’t choke out true Life…how successful are most of us? I would guess that for many, it’s a hit-and-miss, up and down situation.

I also think that it may be a matter of God’s timing in each individual’s life. As I look back on where I’ve been & who I was, I can see how obtuse I’d been, when at that time I thought I was just the opposite! God loved me just as much then as He does now, but I myself wish I had seen more light!

God knows what each of us needs to go through before we are ready to really believe those words of His that may not not seem so easily apprehended. Unfortunately for us, that usually requires some pain. I wish this wasn’t the case, but even the Son learned obedience through suffering. To be willing to walk on water, maybe the ground on which you have been so firmly, so comfortably standing needs to start shifting & crumbling under you…

Grasping spiritual realities – even just wanting to grasp them – may be the result of most everything else in our lives not quite working out as we had wanted. I’ve found that so many once-desired goals or situations eventually become prisons. What at first presented as a ‘freedom’ or promises of safety & happiness change over time. We are caught in routines that constrict & restrict, and maybe we’d like to get out of them!

The promises of this world deceive.


My own situations in life are not the conventional ones. I think I may be a part of that group who die, not having received the promises. Or at least something similar to that…so perhaps where I’m coming from may not resonate with many of you. But if it does, my aim is to encourage, not discourage. Getting to the place where the unseen things of God become more intriguing, desirable in a way they never before had been, is a good place to be.


…Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous: nevertheless afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” (Hebrews 12:11)