Now that the Thanksgiving turkey is long-ago digested, and already becoming but a memory, we turn our attention towards the upcoming Christmas holiday. Like most of the rest of America, I’ll be spending much of the next few weeks preparing for that very special day. With shopping, gift-wrapping, decorating and tree-trimming, I doubt that I’ll manage even one post. ( I hope to prove myself wrong, because as I begin my study of Thomas Jefferson, I find that I am becoming as enamoured of learning about him as I was of George Washington! My excitement at times is almost palpable…) But, ’tis the season, so…Mr. Jefferson may have to be placed on a back burner for a bit.


Some Christmas Thoughts…though I have always known the meaning of this holiday, for reasons unknown to me I am experiencing its impact anew. Like a rebirth! The Gift is Himself, hallelujah, Christ in you, the hope of glory. There can be nothing, nothing more miraculous than this! How did I not get that? The struggles and burdens of daily living of necessity constrict our vision, and can blind a person to so great a salvation. We carry this Treasure in our earthen vessel, being so often only aware of the earthen vessel. In no way meant to be a condemnation, rather I am pointing you towards great Light!

“…whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death…” (Luke 1: 78, 79)

I think it is generally agreed that, hands down, Christmas is THE holiday. Worldwide, universal. Though many may not actually, consciously, celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, they still celebrate Christmas, in their fashion. I submit that many such persons, whether they realize it or not, are celebrating the Saviour. He is the heart of the holiday. Businesses that stay open for every other holiday will close for Christmas. (I work at one.) Why is that? Why do we celebrate this event in such a spectacular fashion? Why do we use the evergreen tree, a symbol of eternal life? What about all the lights? People love seeing Christmas lights draped, festooned, outlining houses, encircling trees both indoor and out, illuminating the night with warmth, color, and hope.

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” ( 2 Corinthians 4:6 )

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you’ll return .

4 responses to “

  1. That’s definitely something to think about this holiday season! I’m excited to hear more about Thomas Jefferson, but it’s ok if I have to wait! 🙂 I understand how busy this season can be and I’m taking my own little break.

  2. You caught me reading the OT but I too, have been thinking about and loving Jesus a lot, lately.Gods’ word is magnificent, to put it in puny earth words. I’m reading it in the “NKJV” and also some in “The Living Bible”. His word is alive and His hand is here with us, guiding, teaching, helping. This verse in 2Chron: 9 “For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward Him, so that He can show His great power in helping them” reminds me to ask for help and give thanks for His blessings every moment.This season with Jesus’ disciples like you, Christina, to keep the faith alive, it helps us all.They picked on me at the Thanksinweenstmas family get together. Changed my profile, it’s Dave. Hi!